Separation of couples leads to divorce. Divorce is complete when an agreement is made to terminate the duties and responsibilities that got shaped from marriage. As per the traditional approach, couples seek the help of a court in order to get divorce. The court proceedings are very lengthy and it will take long time to settle the issue. On the other it is so expensive if you are moving through court to get divorce. You will have to undergo many counseling sessions and various hearing and eventually the entire process will take half of your life. A new practice is getting shaped slowly while trying for divorce. This is called divorce mediation.Mediator is a person who is having experience in dealing with many divorce cases or can be an attorney but not working in the field or even a retired judge. The couple can sit together with the mediator and can discuss on all the issues both parties are facing. The only thing to be kept in mind is that the couple should be ready to reveal anything without hiding. Child custody will be the main issue to be discussed and sorted out if the couple is having children. Age and the interest of the child will also be considered by making the settlement. Apart from that various issues arising out of financial constraints, property inheritance can also be cleared with the help of a mediator. There are also cases where the couple reunites after discussing with the mediator which is really good news to hear.Approaching a divorce mediator is a very good approach especially to get a fast settlement. Also the expense involved in the sessions is less compared to directly approaching the court. This process will work only if both the parties are meeting the mediator under mutual agreement to divorce. If any one of the party is against and always violent or harsh, then mediation will not suit. They will have to directly approach court. Once all the issues are settled by the mediator, papers will be filed in the court thereby making easy court proceedings. Usually a mediation session depends upon the depth of the issue to be solved which will not last more than 90 hours. If you are planning to divorce it is always a wise decision to approach a good mediator.